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  • 联系人:韩经理
  • QQ号码:287184584
  • 电话号码:0371-22923999
  • 手机号码:18537860811
  • Email地址:kfaosheng@126.com
  • 公司地址:河南省开封市鼓楼区余良路268号
说明: Explain: 6YL-100R热榨多功能螺旋榨油机是我公司在传统的榨油机技术基础上,经公司技术部门研究改进而成,机器为热榨多功能螺旋榨油机,集压榨精滤为一体,炒过的原料倒入机器以后出来的就是净油,机器操作方便,自动化程度高。 6YL-100 Hot pressing spiral oil press is studied by our technical department on the base of traditional oil press technology . It is a multi-function machine ,combined with press and precision filtration. We can get net oil after the fried materials get through this machine .So, it has the features of easy operation and high degree of automation. 特点: Characteristics: 1. 易损件采用优质钢材经渗碳热处理,延长了使用寿命,降低了用户使用成本和维护时间。 Wearing parts is made of high quality steel after carburizing heat treatment, prolong the service life, reduce the user operation cost and maintenance time. 2. 采用新型大模数斜齿变速箱,提高了传动效率,降低了能源消耗。 A new big modulus helical gear transmission, improve the transmission efficiency, reduces the energy consumption 3. 合理的榨膛设计,提高了出油效率。 Reasonable pressing chamber design, improve the oil extraction rate. 4. 完善的出厂前研磨,检测程序,提高了榨油机的易用度。 Perfect factory pre-grinding, test procedure, improve the ease of oil press.