主营产品:离岸公司注册 , 香港公司注册 , 国际商标 , 香港做账审计 , 公证认证 , 塞舌尔公司注册 , 贝里斯公司注册 , 伯利兹公司注册 , 开曼公司注册 , BVI公司注册 , 中国商标注册 , 年审 , 深圳公司注册 , 代理记账报税 , 英国公司注册
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公司英文logo 1 众和国际商务是一家专业提供优质商务服务的公司,公司总部位于金融之都--香港 ,业务团队立足深圳,另外在全国各地都有合作代理,团队由经验丰富的资深香港会计师,律师,高级商务顾问组成。众和一直贯彻“专业,诚信,保密,共赢”的经营理念,客户遍及全国,港澳台,欧美,南美,大洋洲等,为不同国家不同行业的客户提供过优质专业的服务,得到客户的认可,信任和亲睐。我司之目标为向更多期望的拓展国际市场业务的公司提供全面丰富的专业资源和服务,以求为客户创造更多的价值。 众和国际商务提供的一站式服务包括:注册香港公司,注册塞舌尔公司,注册伯利兹公司(注册贝里斯公司),注册BVI公司,注册开曼公司,注册英国公司,注册美国公司,国际商标注册,离岸银行账户开设,深圳外商投资,代表处设立,香港/深圳代理记账报税,核数审计,变更转让,公司年审,公证认证,书刊号申请,条形码申请,电话飞线,资信证明,商务秘书等一些列专业服务 Since 2004, Unite-Win has offered a wide range of company formation and business services in supporting clients with their worldwide corporate, banking and investment needs. we are formed by a group of fully qualified company registration, finance, accounting, business services and tax professionals. We have a wide range of clientele from different industries and different countires. Our clientele range from one-man size to medium size. our clients are always relying on us in the support and aid that we provide We provide confidential, efficient,cost effective, high quality services with our clients over the long-term at competitive fees. We offer the following services: Hong Kong company formation,, BVI company incorporation ,Representative Office Registration ,Incorporation of WFOE, ,filing of statutory annual returns,tax planning and administration ,accounting and arrangement of audits in HK,company secretarial services ,Company Dissolution,bank introductions and assistance with opening bank accounts,preparation of documents for changes of directors/shareholders